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into the States again after a 10 mile loop through Quebec during which we enjoyed the French signs - Vitesse 20 - Arret - Ecole - Traverse du Chemin de Fer, etc.  I thought there would be some pretty careful Customs inspection because of the war, but there was no trouble either going into or coming out of Canada.  As usual, I suppose the Customs boys were smart and saw us for what we were.
We rolled down across the beautiful lake plains of northern Vermont into St. Albans but were unable to see Mr. Nowell of the Central Vermont until tomorrow.  So we put up at the Tavern for the night and before dinner took a stroll around town, which we found to be quite dead.  The only historical spot was the bank which was raided by the Confederates in the Civil War, swooping out of friendly Canada.  So we finally consulted a loquacious bellhop as to a possible "night spot", feeling in the mood this evening.  He recommended a place called "Thessian's" which we sought out for some Ballantines ale.
In Thessian's we ran into a bunch of Boston Office Central Station men whom Neal knew, entertaining a customer.  So it seemed wise not to break into that party, already 4GE to 1 customer.  Consequently, after about 4 bottles of ale each we took the waitresses recommendation and drove up to the "Mayfair" at Highgate Falls, a few miles north.  There the ale drinking proceeded plus 2 sandwiches and in a barlike establishment occupied by 3 couples besides us and a nickel phonograph.  It was dead except for some snappy dancing by two collegiate