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with it when I’m at the office. Over weekends and when out of town, I’m not troubled at all. If it doesn’t stop, I’ll have to see a doctor because I can’t work efficiently this way. 
                        Eric, Pa.
           Tuesday, Sept. 19, ‘39.
     Sent my Maine Central report today. Shapter advised that both motors on the Bethlehem Steel 50 ton, 300 HP demonstrator burned up yesterday and just as they were inquiring for 5 more locomotives. Martiguone called me this afternoon and said he, Hoddy and three Republic Steel men would be here tomorrow to look at the Cummins 80 ton 500HP demonstrators - to clean them up and line up a work-out, as he was pretty sure he could sell them. So I did all that and told Shapter, who knows all about already. I want to play ball with Shap and if I do,I think he’ll play ball with me. He was very decent about this - said to go ahead and take care of it. It is easy to call someone like Shap a so-and-so - anybody can do that - but to learn to get along with him successfully is a real accomplishment deserving credit. 
     My headache continued to bother me today although it didn’t seem as bad as yesterday. This evening, we had the first AIEE session of the Erie season and I presided. It was a dinner at the “Y”, 18 attending. We had committee reports and the [[enclosed in box]] GM [[/enclosed in box]] movie on the development of the Winston 2 cycle diesel, Kettering and all. But it was an excellent movie and the meeting seemed to get across well. I was a bit jittery as usual but overcame it.