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had advised Republic had bought the two locos, would probably buy one or maybe two more, and another delegation from another Republic plant would be here Monday to have a look. So I guess all was well enough yesterday.

Spent most of the afternoon putting tarpaper on Rog's shack behind the garage. He was my assistant and a very good one. He was so excited about this refinement in his place, he was walking on air.

Ben and Tony came in tonight and we had the usual jolly evening. I served up some rather strong highballs and to my surprise, Mother drank hers down in about 5 minutes while the rest stretched them over a half hour or more. And while all the others seemed to feel them considerably, Mother showed absolutely no sign of being affected at all. Maybe its from her I inherit my drinking powers.

Erie, Pa.,
Sunday, Sept. 24, '39.
This was largely a day of getting odd jobs cleaned up. This afternoon, we took a ride and the feel of autumn is in the air. Somehow it seems good. This evening, the Ford Hour resumed with Lawrence Tibbett and it was pleasant to listen to him again. I wrote letters to Freddie Thalman, Ed Kelly, Taft and Bowers.  It was that sort of a day, full of minor accomplishments in the form of long delayed jobs and obligations taken care of. Nothing sensational but just a feeling of content at getting things done. Censorship is so rigid in Europe, the war news is hardly exciting and no one knows what to believe.