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by remarking, "Well, that's a place I've never been." And he supplied, "I've never been to the south coast --just the northwest when I was on the Milwaukee". We shall see.  Rudy loves to travel and I know if he could work it, he'd love that trip. On the other hand, I think he'll play square.

Martignone called this morning to say Republic is taking the third loco. for Massillon. Later in the day, Asmann, the District Auditor, phoned from Cleveland to know where all these locomotives were, when and by what authority they left Erie, etc. etc. in connection with getting the financial end straightened out with Cummins before shipping any of them. It seems he hates to let both of these go before getting payment from Cummins - he feels safe if he has one here for collateral on the notes Cummins still owes for them - $68,000. When I dug into it, I found one glorious mess trailing apparently in Jake's wake. No records of shipping authority, hints Jake had bamboozled the Shipping Dept. to ship without any authority but his, etc. etc. Tomorrow, I've got to straighten it out and get the story.

Frank Faron is transferred to New York as Asst. Mgr. of the Industrial Dept., N.Y. District and Palmer from Newark Office goes in on as New Haven Office manager. No one seems to know just why this move, but I should think it may well be a step upward for Frank.

All quiet at home except Bab & Rog raising general hell around the place blowing off steam. Baldwin finally put an outside entrance for the new coal bin so I ordered coke today.  We need it. It is getting cold and rainy.

Transcription Notes:
I changed "Masillon" to "Massillon" near the top of the page.--thomasc