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Got the Republic locomotive histories straightened out today and found there were instruction sheets to authorize shipments. Todd said Jake wanted him to ship without them but he flatly refused. We got a requisition today for making changes on the two locos, for Cleveland and the one at Columbus is coming back here for changes too.

Erie, Pa.,
Friday, Sept. 29,'39.
Sent Neil Donovan a bunch of comments on the Fore River job, which looks none too promising. He wants to bring Ernie Blors here to inspect the B&M demonstrator and at least I got a consignment requisition number out of him to cover the demonstration. Gave Jay Waller a quotation on a 65 ton, 400 HP visit for the New York Central at Auburn.

Went to see "Susan and God" at the Playhouse tonight and it was splendid. They have a flock of new talent from various summer theater groups and this promises to be a pip of a season. The lead tonight was a buxom, pretty lady named Elsbeth HOffmann who was excellent. The Reeds were there with Charlie's mother and father, and mother was with us. Afterward we went to the Reeds for a drink and a chat and Barbara was so very nice and pleasant and attentive that even mother admitted to me late she was quite impressed.  She used to think Barbara about the world's worse--exactly why I never was able to figure, but tonight "Arba" certainly came back a long way in mother's estimation.  All in all, this visit of mother's so far has seemed to be going considerably smoother than in many a long year. I do hope it may continue this way.