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Erie, Pa.,
Tuesday, Oct. 3, 1939.
And today the mad rush at the office went on. I quoted Dile-Harvey on 3 duplicate 1000 HP units for Ford at the $93,300 figure we sold the last ones on and told him to get busy – he had a bargain price. Spent a lot of time in the New York Central job for Auburn. Along about 4 PM while I was in the midst of the N.Y.C. job, I took a phone call for Doc from Richmond, thinking it was a speedometer job. Instead it was a 43 ton job that Pledge has in hand on the Atlantic & E. Carolina and before I got through I came within an ace of having to go to Richmond tonight. But Whitey got someone from Philadelphia to go instead as we were all swamped here. [[Martignone?]] was after me for shipping promise on Republic, I was trying to organize to start figuring the Southern Pacific and on and on.

This evening we went to the movies for relaxation to hear Heifetz in "They Shall Have Music" a rather charming little film full of music and child musicians which quite rang the bell in spots.

Erie, Pa., 
Wednesday, Oct. 4, 1939.
The big battle today was whether we should put split pole or stalling control on Ford. I favored the former and after considerable argument and putting the pressure on Rudy, got it swung my way. Barrell was with me and Dirk Lamborn and A.J. Woodward against, with Rudy also leaning split polewards. "Doc" wanted split pole and I suppose when he gets back tomorrow will have a fit, but I