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think the correct decision was made. We finally put it up to "Whitey" and he said stalling in about 2 minutes. He doesn't waste time. I got my hands just far enough into this Ford job again to want to carry through but I guess I'll have to hand it back to Doc although I still feel a moral right to handle Ford. If I hadn't been away last winter, Doc wouldn't have got it.

Got out the New York Central job after a fashion today and may have Johnnie and Bill Hamilton here next week to go over it. "Whitey" says Martignone called to say Republic may buy the 4th loco too; in fact, they would buy a 5th maybe if they could get it in a hurry. We got a $500,000 subway order today for Board of Transportation. In September our orders were almost $7,000,000. The shop will be all fixed for a while and thing's keep booming on the proposition front.

I remarked to Rudy today how agreeable Shapter is and he informed me that Shap had recently been informed by Whitey that he would have to learn to get along with people. So maybe that had something to do with it. At any rate, I find myself almost liking the guy.

Willie went to Cleveland with the girls today and was as tickled as a kid about the expedition.

I must preside at the AIEE-ASME meeting tomorrow night and present William B. Stout the "pin wheel brained inventor" as Time puts him. Find myself a trifle apprehensive. Wish I could learn to like that sort of thing & believe I could with enough practice.