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His talk on the future of transportation was good although his conception of the turbine-electric locomotive a good thing made me rather question his judgment in that respect. After the meeting, Mr. Stout wanted to "relax" by going to a night spot somewhere and Felix said they would be in the Commodore Perry Room at the Lawrence - Mrs. Konn of course was in attendance. I drove Whitey home, and got back to the hotel in less than half an hour, but they had completely disappeared. So I came on home and in view of today's big event, I really didn't give a damn, but I did wonder what in hell happened and if Felix was pulling a fast one in his apparently abnormal desire to mix in prominent company, and wanted no one to bother him. He's peculiar that way. Incidentally Felix belongs to the Erie Club & Kahkwa Club and yet he wont eat right to save money.

Erie, Pa.,
Friday, Oct. 6, '39.
I made a real effort to get going on the Southern Pacific this morning but Hoddy blew in from Cleveland to deliver the Republic Steel lettering in person, and from then on it was hopeless. We chased Republic production all day and after getting the factory to cut its promise drastically, the day ended in a wave of four phone calls in a half hour from Martignone trying to get the first loco. shipped next Wednesday because one of their steam locos is so broken down they've got to pull it out of service. I almost dread phoning "Disco" Monday morning to tell him about it. The loco. from Cummins at Columbus came in here with flat wheels and we've got to pry some money out of them