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for fixing that up, plus other things. We were  chasing around like wild men. I did hear one good story - when Jake sold these 5 - 80 ton units to Cummins he sold also 5 - 1000 HP units, all for stock, but he had to agree to go into some sort of a partnership with Cummins to do it, and brought partnership papers back to the Cleveland Office to be signed. And did he get a raspberry from Armann, the hard boiled District Auditor! I understand that was a classical affair, the details of which are unknown to most, but this was one of the high spots.

Whitey told me today that he had talked to Henry about my "education" and I should approach Henry next week to begin learning what his underground activities are all about. So things are apparently moving along all right.

I saw or heard neither hide nor hair of Felix today and wondered if he was trying to avoid me after last nights affair.

Pledge phoned Whitey on the Atlantic & E. Carolina job to say Baldwin was proposing a 30 ton mechanical drive loco. against our 43 ton, and wanted only $15,000 each for it. He wanted to know what Whitey was going to do about it. Whitey said, "I'm not going to do anything." Pledge said, "Why, you can't do that!" Whitey said, "The hell I can't!" I told Hoddy about it and he doesn't like Pledge - says Pledge tried to blame Bill Leggitt for losing a C&O job they were both working on, by turning in a Lost Business report blaming the loss on Bill in his negociations [[sic]] at Cleveland. In the meantime, Bill got the order and left Pledge holding a very nasty bag good and proper.