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Erie, Pa.,
Saturday, Oct. 7, '39.
We kept our date at East Aurora with Freddie and Rosemary today. It was a lovely autumn day for the trip, sunny, clear, the trees a riot of color, the lake blue and beautiful. We met at Roycroft Inn where we found them in the bar having beer. Had a swell dinner and took a walk around town and got home about 6 PM. Ann took care of the children as we didn't want to take them on account of the polio epidemic in Buffalo. She looks prettier than ever and said she enjoyed so being with Bab and Rog again that she didn't want to take any money for staying. She is one fine girl - wish we could have her here all the time but she is very busy at the GE now with the new rush and I presume she will be for some time to come.
I had a good talk with Freddie. He has been with International Harvester at Auburn for four years now but hasn't had any particular encouragement - not even a raise - and he would quit in a minute if he could get a job somewhere else. That has been his experience everywhere he has been and I wonder if there is something about him that doesn't click. If he would only hang on somewhere he might get ahead. He says his brother-in-law, Eric, has queered him completely in Rome - just why, I don't know - and Rhoda and Eric have even poisoned his mother against him and gotten her to change her will so from an even split with Rhoda, Freddie doesn't know now where he does stand. Rosemary's eyes give her a lot of trouble and that is costly. All in all, he talked rather