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Dike said he thought we could talk them out of most of them and we'll have them down shortly to discuss the whole business. Maybe Doc will be back and maybe not. If not, I suppose I step in and continue the pinch hitting.

The Ford and much monkey business on Republic lost me so much time today, I went to the office this evening and put in three solid, productive hours on the Southern Pacific, while Willie entertained the Book Club at home. Mother went to the Club meeting and I think she enjoyed it, feeling she is doing more in the entertainment line this year.

Erie, Pa.
Wednesday, Oct.11,1939
Getting the Ford 1000 HP order took most of the sting out of having to do Doc's work and work overtime on my own. Being frank with myself, I really don't feel Rudy much of a help as a boss. You can tell him your troubles and he listens very sympathetically but that's all. He never offers to help and unless you push him right to it, he is hard as hell to get any definite decision out of unless it is a very simple one. I like Rudy but I feel as I always have that he is just plain, ordinary lazy most of the time. But I do like him. He's kind, pleasant, easy going and shrewd when he wants to apply himself. But he is not interested much in anything but Alco.

Despite many Ford and Republic interruptions today, I finished the S.P. profile and speed restriction chart and am about ready to start my lengthy speed-timing tomorrow. Am rather looking forward to that to see how close I come to my guess as to what is needed to do the job.