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I got the Ford requisition number by nine from Harvey today, got George Le Baron to issue a factory advance order, and Bob Barrell had his material ordering instructions in the factory this afternoon. It's the fastest work of that type I've ever seen. It needs to be; they want 17 weeks shipment and we figure 19 is nearly hopeless.

Mother and Willie went to see "The Women" this afternoon and both enjoyed it. I am very happy that Willie is making it possible for Mother to have a little diversion this year. It helps immensely.

Jay Waller wrote Whitey today saying the New Haven is showing interest in the small 43 ton diesels and want a demonstrator. I have been at Frank Faron for months on this and am glad something is now started.

Had a letter from Mr. Stout today thanking me for my note of thanks to him, inviting me to look him up in Detroit, saying he was sorry we missed connections the other night—"[[underlined]]they[[/underlined]] changed the location from the Laurence Hotel to some other eating place"—and signed "Bill Stout". It was just like him—friendly and informal.

Henry Guy is back today and I think tomorrow I'll feel him out on my investigation since Whitey says the way is all cleared for it. Henry warned me not to give anything away on Ford—not to repeat "the mess we had the last time", whatever that was.

Erie Pa.,
Thursday, Oct. 12, 1939.
Spent a good part of the morning getting together a story to convince "Whitey" we should not attempt to