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Erie, Pa.
Friday, Oct. 13, 1939.
Actually got started speed timing from San Francisco to Los Angeles today, only to find a mixup in the train weight requiring cessation of operations until I could get a reply to a long wire to Larson in S.F. So I have to wait until Monday to get going again.

Jay Waller called to say Bill Hamilton didn't want to come to Erie to discuss the Auburn job because of appearances, and wants me there next Tuesday. So I guess I'll go unless Doc fails to return from the south, in which case I'll have to handle the Ford boys Tuesday.

Wrote Jay today to say we are agreeable to sending a 43 ton demonstrator to the New Haven so at last that campaign is beginning to take shape.

Erie, Pa.,
Saturday, Oct. 14, '39.
Did shopping and puttered around the house all day doing odd jobs, still getting settled. It turned cold this afternoon, dropping near to 40[[degree symbol]], and I started the fire, which went out this morning, and again once after I tried to start it. I'll get onto this furnace eventually I hope.

This evening we went to the Reeds for bridge and a chat, the latter being well accelerated by a potent Martini to begin with. Barbara is going to New York Tuesday so there was a lot of kidding about us being down there together. Charlie told me he had heard several people comment very favorably on the way I conducted the recent AIEE meeting with Bill Stout, which encouraged me considerably since I felt anything but composed at the time.