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a last ditch fight for this job. McDonald is quoting the job and gets a nice juicy 2% commission on our part plus what he makes on the engines - and I can't see where he earns some $660 on the 2% commission. It looks as though he's going to be the only one who will make any money on this first one.

Jim Smith was at the office when we got back there about 4:30 and we had the usual banter. Jim was dismayed that I would be on New Haven anymore. - said he gave me a rating "just short of super-human" when he had my rating sheet to fill out recently. I got a lot of compliments today - Jay said Alco got 10 more New Haven diesels and Stanley McKay complimented my "Steam vs. Diesel" report very highly recently.

Jay and I dropped in at the Waldorf to look at the GM private auto show and then proceeded to the Astor where we spent a half hour in the bar over two scotch and sodas and some intimate GE conversation. Jay told me about the same story Eddie Gunn spilled at Sch'dy. He told me also that Whitey has plans for me - he didn't say what and I kept mum on Whitey's recent proposal. He indicated clearly that my future in the Dept. is well assured if I keep plugging - that I rate high with "Whitey" and to be confident of what is coming.

We took a peek at Henry Ford's private showing at the Astor - oh what beauties! - and then we entrained for the Fair, having made a reservation on the 11:40 PM for Erie. I hadn't expected to see the Fair this year and it was an unexpected pleasure to get there. It was cold and windy so there weren't many people and we had a run of the place almost. The lighting was lovely