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- we saw the 9 o'clock display at Fountain Lake, a veritable symphony of color and music and water intermingled. Went into the telephone exhibit and listened in on a N.Y. to Los Angeles conversation and heard the Voder in action - an artificial human voice that was truly amazing - played by a pretty girl on a typewriterlike keyboard.

Saw the Trylon and Perisphere - went into them and saw the beautiful City of Tomorrow - a perfect conception of what's to come and a potent reminder of how utterly insane it is to pour money into destruction when it could be put into making a better world for everyone.

We wound up our visit by a look at the GE Lightning show in Steinmetz Hall - an impressive, rather terrifying affair but popular and sensational. We were just too late to get into the famed GM exhibit where they show you not just the "City of Tomorrow" but about the whole "Life of Tomorrow."

A trek back to New York and I was in bed and asleep when the "Iroquois" pulled out of Grand Central for her fast run to the west.

Erie, Pa.,
Wednesday, Oct.18,1939.
Got back to the office at 10 AM and I hadn't been there long when Shapter comes in to know if I had "that New York Central order." He said a New York Central man is at Porter in Pittsburgh today and that Porter had got in trouble because the equipment Shap quoted was good for only 18MPH. I told Shap we were using 25MPH gearing with the GE 1204. "How?" he asks in his most disagreeable way.