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Bert or McDonald of our cut. Bert acted a trifle disgruntled I had not acquainted him with it but Jay has apparently been actively following the job and besides they sit within 10 ft. of each other so it hardly seemed necessary to inform both of them.

Mother went to call on Isobel Hawk today and heard bad news of Dr. McCallum. He has some obscure disease which gradually deprives him of the use of his limbs and dulls the brain as well, so that the last year here he was really not fit to practice but did because he was driven to it by financial difficulty until finally he simply had to give up. His is a tragic thing. They say his heart is bad too, so it is to be prayed he will soon pass away with the heart condition. Come to think of it, Mrs. Macloskie was the one who recommended Dr. McCallum to us and we hear almost simultaneously of her death and his tragic condition.

Am clearing up my portion of the AIEE braking paper as it is supposed to be in Nov. 1st and then I'll be out of a job again until something new develops. Frank Turner is now my coauthor, having supplanted Burleson, who in turn supplanted Whitey. Neil Donovan and Ernie Bloss will be here tomorrow and I'm wondering just what Ernie's reaction will be to the fact he wont get a locomotive until December or January. Lord knows I've had plenty of trouble getting anything going in Boston. I don't yet have the consignment requisition for the B&M demonstrator and I wrote to Roy asking for it over 5 weeks ago. I've done my best and I guess now they'll simply have to be satisfied with a job in January.