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Erie, Pa.,
Saturday, Oct. 28, 1939.
Another day of shopping and working around home with no particular excitement. Bab went to a Halloween party by Nancy Lee Graham at the Yacht Club last night and one by Dorothy Jean and Becky Russell at the MacDonalds tonight - name in newspaper and all. She is certainly beginning to blossom out.

We went up to the Lambons this evening and had a nice little bridge session at which I took the money - 40[[cent symbol]] up for incentive. Marion and Dick are a nice pair - quiet but friendly and good company. They have had a lot of trouble especially with Sonny but have managed to weather through it all with flying colors. The little girl is perfectly adorable.

My battery was almost dead when we came to leave and Dick had to give me a push. It was the first time in 30,000 miles, the Ford has ever failed to start. I'd like to get a new car but I can't really afford it. This one is still a handsome little job and runs well so we don't need one anyhow.

Erie, Pa., 
Sunday, Oct. 29, '39.
Just before dinner, was sitting in the living room reading the New York Times when we heard a terrific crash and rushed up to the corner to find a Chevy sedan lying on its side in the parkway inside the U shaped hedge, which hadn't been touched! The Chevy cleared it in the air! An old car was standing near, the front battered in. Some men already were pulling three girls out of the Chevy. They were crying and hysterical and later it developed one had a possible skull fracture and another a broken collar bone, but all of them could walk.