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One of them was more upset about what her mother would say than about the near fatal crash they had had. It was rather nerve racking to look down into that car and not know if you were going to see someone dead or alive or horribly injured. It was a miracle they weren't killed outright.

We took a nice ride through the colored autumn countryside this afternoon. It is lovely yet but another week will see most of the leaves gone to the ground.

I spent a couple of hours reading Whitey's U.S. Ordnance folder, most of which consisted of copies of letters by St. Lawrence. Jake had taken a small part in it but I could see evidence all through it of an effort to quietly ease Jake out. Even St. L. had got in trouble by writing Horn at Washington to try to get an Iron Fireman bid thrown out which drew a reprimand from Waller because St. L. should have let the Commercial Dept. handle such matters and Iron Fireman gives us a quarter million of business a year. But going over it gave me a birdseye view of what has transpired and it looks like a very interesting job. I can't do anything though until Whitey comes back the middle of the week since he has to make his peace in this with Niven of Federal & Marine first.

Ben and Tony came in tonight with his new Strauss waltzes to try on our machine but although they said they were better on ours than theirs, they were too loud and either nearly deafened you or lost their quality. However, as usual, we had a very pleasant visit.