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Erie, Pa.,
Monday, Oct. 30, '39. 
Bert Ladley phoned me at noon and I joined him and his messenger, George Law, at the Ford for lunch. I met Herman Newman in the Ford to my surprise, thinking he had left town. He said he would be there for a "month or so" and I learn from Wilke he is back here to look for a job here so he can be in Erie to be with his lady love, Jack Friese's sister, a Catholic divorcee but reported to be a very lovely girl, I have never seen nor met her but would like to. Herman's life has been somewhat of a hectic affair so far I should say. I told him I would give him a ring sometime and I want to - should like to talk things over with him. And speaking of ex-Unitarian ministers, I understand Dutton is in bad financial shape - no job and living on small royalties and what he can pick up writing.

Had Ladley and Law at the plant all the afternoon. Ladley was cordial and friendly as before - gave the locomotive a very cursury [[sic]] survey and took a turn through the shop, then repaired to the City Club and the Den. Bert starting to drive back to Massillon about 9:30 PM alone. Bert invited me to come to Massillon and bring Willie along and go to the Canton - Massillon football game - a high school classic - on Nov. 18, stay at his home, and he would show us a time - and I don't doubt he would too. I told him I'd check into it and thanked him. He is one real swell guy and what a pace he sets! I would like to get to Massillon sometime but I doubt if it would be good to take Willie on account of leaving the children with Mother on a weekend.