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The children had a big time Halloweening tonight. Bab went to a party at Elizabeth Cain's and I took Rog out on a "handout" expedition which thrilled him immensely.

Erie, Pa., 
Wednesday, Nov. 1, 1939.
This morning Rog, looking out the back window in amazement said, "Look at my shack!" And I looked to see it standing on top of the garage. How a bunch of kids could have hoisted it up there last night without our hearing them, I can't figure. The thing must weigh 300-400 pounds and is a clumsy affair to handle. I wasn't surprised very much but it made me rather mad.

The second AIEE regular meeting was today and I presided with fair success. The speaker was L.C. Kent, Director of the G.E. Lighting Institute at Nela Park, a big, tall, nondrinking, parsonlike appearing gentleman with a chunky assistant named Downs and a good exhibit of all the newest in lamps. It was a terrible, rainy night but we had about a hundred out to hear him. Had dinner at the Erie Club beforehand and Gordon McDonald and Jack Milling were on hand this time.

Felix ordered filet mignon, the most expensive item on the menu and I wondered if he ever ordered anything like that when he had to pay for it himself. Also, I was amazed at Felix's noisy soup handling - a terrific, gurgling, sucking action off the spoon that seemed utterly out of place in one who is crashing earnestly at the gates of West Sixth Street Society. I was amazed too to find Felix and his wife disappear immediately at the close of the meeting without so