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I caught the 5:45 Pm for home and was at 515 Kahkwa at 8 PM, glad to be home. Willie is battling a sore throat and finally went to Delaney who said it was infected and gave her "the works." Now she is coming along better. I retired at 10 PM, feeling tired and sleepy and dragged out after last night's affair. My sore throat was gone anyway.

Erie, Pa., 
Wednesday, Nov. 8, '39.
Dick Lamborn tells me today that the New York Central weight shift compensation business will be okay, a load off my mind. We haven't received the requisition yet because the N.Y.C. lost the A.F.E. and now they have to go through the rigamarole of getting another.

Electro-Motive just got 3-660's in the B&M, so we got a 50-50 break with them - not bad.

"Whitey" called me in after lunch to tell me to get a complete list of the bidders on the 8" railway gun mount job - St. Lawrence had got only partial list [[underlined]]in Washington.[[/underlined]] In other words, St. L. went to Washington Monday and Tuesday, never told me, although he had practically promised to take me down there the next time he went. I was rather boiling about that. I went up to see him. He said he had been down on the 5" gun mount order with a lot of shop men and wanted to take me when he wouldn't be busy - would go in 3 or 4 weeks - in the meantime, I could study the correspondence and watch what was going on and begin to get acquainted with things. I told Whitey the story and 

Transcription Notes:
A.F.E. Authority for Expenditure.