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seven years and had their first child six months ago today—and Dick is just crazy about it. Dick came up through the Apprentice Dept. I think, his grammar is off occasionally but I would say that he is a real gentleman. I like him.

We had a two hour ride to Berwick down through the scarred, barren and altogether depressing hard coal country around Scranton and Wilkes Barre. Dick was very interested in it all — he told me he loves to travel because he hasn't been around much. Down near Berwick, the desolation began to disappear and we got into a lovely valley of wooded hills and broad fields and the Susquehanna winding along amid it all.

We found Walter Hedley having breakfast and a whiskey sour at the Hotel Berwick. He had been out on a bender with the AC&F boys last night, retiring at 4AM. We went down to the plant shortly and had a session with Mr. Amble, a jolly Dutchman with a pronounced accent, and Mr. Ensign, a smooth individual but pleasant. We were way out of line on most of our forging prices and we got all the dope we could so as to revise them and resubmit them next week. With a forge shop overhead of 354%, I don't see how we could expect to be in line, although we do have an order from ACF for one item the idle shaft spindle. They had already let a lot of the business in spite of Whitey's understanding from Walter Hedley that they would give us a chance to take any or all of it before letting it elsewhere. They showed us the sample tank Rock Island Arsenal loaned to them—a menacing looking little juggernaut bristling