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I looked at Lucy, his latest, I thought, "What a fool you are! In a year or so, you'll be another has-been just like Mildred over there, and he'll have a new one." I never heard Walter talk so much as he did today—maybe he was trying to impress Dick. He went on and on in considerable detail on his conquests in the fields of athletics, business and illicit love until it became almost humorous or revolting. I don't know which. I wondered what Dick thought of it all, and of our sales organization if he thought Walter a good example of it. Dick asked me how on earth Walter could afford all this and I explained it as well as I could. We got to bed finally at 3:15 AM, having been up nearly 24 hours! The idea of the suites, which were only $4, was that they might come in handy if a big party developed. Walter was anxious to get me and Dick all fixed up tonight too but he had no luck and I was glad not to be bothered with a girl. I wouldn't sleep with her anyhow and it would simply mean the nuisance of taking her home. Another very tough day! A "bad taste" day!

Erie, Pa.
Friday, Nov. 10, '39.
I felt rather rocky this morning at 7AM — tired, some headache, depressed somewhat — the inevitable aftermath of such a day and evening as yesterday. I wished we had come home last night and so did Dick. Got to the office about 11AM feeling not much better. Did a lot of odd jobs cleaning up my desk for the weekend. Saw Whitey — told him of our trip and drove him downtown at 5PM. He inquired if I had contacted Henry yet and