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Erie, Pa.,
Sunday, Nov. 12, 1939.
A day of odd jobs, working about the house, weather terrible. Didn't even take our usual Sunday afternoon ride. The highest spot of the day was hearing the deep, rich voice of John Charles Thomas on the Ford Hour this evening.

Erie, Pa.,
Monday, Nov. 13, 1939.
Had a rather disturbing session with Whitey today – so disturbing, in fact, that it set me to thinking as I haven't pondered before in a long, long time. I went in to talk to Whitey about quoting Firestone on the 3 small forgings for the tank trade since ACF has awarded them the contract for the whole trade. Whitey wanted to know if I had any idea what prices ACF had been quoted by other vendors. I had to admit I didn't but I had to admit to myself that if Dick and I stayed at Berwick all day Thursday instead of rushing off with Walter to Buffalo, we might have learned a lot more. I saw clearly where I had shirked my job Thursday because of the temptation to go to Buffalo and have a big time in the evening.

Whitey asked me if anything was said at Berwick about electric drive for the tanks. I said no. He wanted to know if I had said anything. I said no, I didn't know anything like that was up at all. He contradicted me and pulled out a letter he had shown me a couple of weeks ago indicating there was; I had forgotten about it. Again, if we had remained at Berwick all day, this subject might have come up – I might've recalled the letter in the course of conversation.