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In other words, he talked as though it were all settled whereas Whitey intimated to me, he didn't want to do anything about it until three or four months had elapsed. So now I shall have to have a session with Whitey about it and session may clear the air a lot as to the future.

To show how jittery I am about all this new situation, it is interesting to set down here an incident which some day I may look back upon with interest and I hope to my advantage as an illustration of how silly we can be sometimes. Yesterday, Dick Miller jacked me up on where the spindle forging requisition was for ACF. I had already jacked up Ted Adams on it, so I had a chance yesterday to talk to Walt Hadley and he informed me they had sent the order to Federal & Marine at Sch'dy. "two weeks ago." – to get hold of Thorpe about it. So I wired Thorpe, citing that the New York Office advised they had sent the order to Sch'dy. "two weeks ago" and to please advise when we would get it in Erie. Today about 5 PM I got a wire from Thorpe as follows – "Contrary to information given you by New York Office, we received order November 13th suggest you discuss with G. W. Wilson on his return." Strange as it may seem, I worried about that wire from Thorpe all evening and the more I thought about it the more I was inclined to believe that he had been offended by my telegram, implying negligence on his part, and was put out with me, and had discussed with Whitey and severely criticized me for sending such a telegram to him. My reason