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apparently Whitey rates are high and I presume one thing that makes it so, is his connection with the submarine generator and motor history. Blair is a ruddy faced moustached gentleman who can look both jolly and harassed at the same time, and seemed very pleasant, but very busy and pushed hard, which undoubtedly he is, particularly at present.

I had lunch with White who is a tennis enthusiast, as is his wife whom he has trained. Has no children so that's something he and Jake have in common. He told me his wife won the ladies singles championship at the AIEE tournament, and explained to me that was the "American Institute of Electrical Engineers." I didn't tell him I was a member of that august body and chairman of the Erie Section. I guess he must think I'm just a plain g—— d—— hick or something similar. White also gave me a quite a lecture on diesel-electric locomotive economics which apparently he thought I didn't know anything about although I told him I was in the diesel section at Erie. I don't think he means to be like that — I think he just doesn't know any better or hasn't any judgment. He's a little cockeyed someway or he wouldn't act like that. There's always something funny about people who never smile.

But for all the above, White took me on the rounds of the Army Ordnance Dept. in the afternoon and did a very fine job of introducing me to everyone — Major Reimel, Lt. Col. Quinton, Housberg, McInerney, Proshe Karus, etc. and I felt I got quite a lot out of it. We even unearthed a job coming up for bids this week that no one seemed to know any-