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5.) That spring day in 1925 when I decided to quit Steinstrup and go on test.

6.) A winter evening in 1927 when Willie whispered to me, "How would you like to be a little daddy?"

And there is another significant moment that must be added to the above, a moment that will profoundly affect the future course of my life, the moment when once and for all, I make my mind up to play the game fully and to the last detail, the way my conscience and my intelligence tell me it must be played for happiness and content. That night I bent over Rog and kissed him as he slept might be such a moment - only time can tell.

Erie, Pa., 
Saturday, Dec. 2, 1939.
Up at 6 AM and out on the platform at 6:28 to find a damp, dark, raw Erie. I had coffee at Charli's and got home at 7:30. It was good to see the family and I could honestly feel I had returned from a trip during which I had worked hard, conscientiously and done my best with no shirking - that's one beauty of travelling alone. You can do as you think best.

This was a routine day working around home, shopping, reading. This evening Walt and Maybelle came in for bridge. Mother claimed she didn't want to appear but would simply so Willie wouldn't think her "offish" - said she had a bad headache wanted to go to bed. But she did appear and was with us all evening. Maybelle was especially sweet to her. Walt was in a good mood and we had a nice evening.