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Erie, Pa.
Friday, Dec. 8, '39.
This was one of those days when I didn't feel like working - if I could have gotten into the car, top down and driven off somewhere alone for the whole day. I would have been only too satisfied. So I just plugged all day without much heart in what I did and was glad when 5 o'clock came around. Had asession with Woodward, Speider and Kjobeth on the New York Central and steered them gently but firmly way from an idea about using the GE724. Gave some thought to the Ordnance Program and St. L's ideas about not bidding on the recoil educational orders - I think we should by hook or crook. Expect a gathering Monday to discuss and want to be ready for it.

Babbie went to a barn dance tonight by one of Dr. Gage's girls - quite a young lady, blossoming out so beautifully. Mildred MacDonald took Bab & Dorothy Jean and then came back here so we could play some bridge and I was glad Mother could get in on a session. She did all right too. I went for the children about 10:30 PM, about the latest party ever attended. She said "there were more boys than girls but the boys wouldn't dance" - nevertheless I guess she danced considerably and had a good time. This year she [[underlined]] loves [[/underlined]] dancing school.

Erie, Pa.
Saturday, Dec. 9, '39.
Much work today on the screen which approaches completion. Looked over electric trains at Kraus' for Rog X-mas - they are good but they cost much money.

Willie tells me the reason Newman was forced out of the church was a scandal concerning him and another [[underlined]] man! [[/underlined]] Now he's crazy about a woman so maybe it's all hooey.