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upshot was, Ken and I went to New York together tonight. I spent a lot of time getting the whole story of our offering from Dick Lambom and Bob Barrell and left this evening with a scheme I doubted Bill would accept but the one our people and Cummins propose.

Had a session on the 5"/38 naval gun mount in St.L's office, but was late to it because of New York Central. I learned afterward from Fred Brehob that Emmet had told Fred to make all arrangements for handling Capt. Evans and Comm. Hill when here, from "soup to nuts." I spiked that by a quiet talk with Walt Harris where we agreed Fred and I would do the job in collaboration with each other. I've got to make Emmet "Craton conscious" some way. I really doubt if he knows my name, or scarcely senses my existence. But by god, he's going to!

Ken and I hopped off on the 7:50 PM for N.Y. meeting. Pritchard and Rhoads on the train. The four of us had a very pleasant ride to Buffalo in the club car where we each put away two "Fulstrength" (114.2 proof) scotch highballs. I was doubtful about Pritch but he drank them with as much gusto as any of the rest of us. Rhoads is a good kid. I am beginning to discover his good points and this evening went a long way toward drawing us closer together. I used to think him rather distant but believe it was only a bit of diffidence. I find also that Ken Wolf is a mighty nice chap to deal with - I think he tries hard to be fair and cooperative. Unfortunately he and Jay don't hitch up too well and I fear it is Jay's fault to some extent.