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Erie, Pa.
Wednesday, Dec. 13,'39.
Got to the office about 11 AM and acquainted Dick and Bob of Bill's counter proposal. Dick said he would have to calculate the thing to see what it means, particularly how much differential action and separate excitation to stabilize it. Had an all afternoon session with the Locomotive Division on the N.Y.C. and I think they understand it now. If we can get the engine problem straightened out it should be clear sailing, especially as Shapter has agreed to use 25 MPH gearing on the Bent Brothers job, duplicate of the New York Central! And after the combing he gave me over it when the job was up through Portes!

Had some significant items with Whitey today:

1.) He agreed to Bill's alternative provided it works out in Dick's calculations. Before he wanted to offer nothing unless Cummins came to us on their hands and knees begging for help (if Bill rejected the proposed scheme).

2.) He said he had told Emmet I would take his (Whitey's) place at the dinner for Lt.Col. Blackmore tomorrow.

3.) He admitted I had some good arguments for bidding on the recoil mechanism educational orders if at all possible. He admitted also I gave him a good come back to his facetious remark that we had run out of gov't propositions since he sent me to Washington.

4.) I told him "yes" on the H. I. Guy question and he said that was all he wanted to know; he would take care of the situation from here on. He said he had no objection to the work