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the Spee is doomed.

Erie, Pa.
Friday, Dec.15, 1939.

Dick Lamborn told me today (unofficially) that Bill's scheme looks pretty good which heartened me considerably.

Had lunch with Perk today and he says he is a section head now - the IGE section - and he is the section. He says Whitey advised him he favors sections and when thing's are calm again, he will make a definite set-up along that line. Presumably when that new set-up comes, my new position in it will be disclosed also! I have kept perfectly mum about my angle, haven't even mentioned it to Willie.

Discovered a slight lump in my left thigh today which disturbed me somewhat although I realize it may be perfectly natural or may be due to a strain or a cold. Had a similar scare a couple of months ago and now I can't find what I was worried over - a sort of knot just over my left knee. Just about a year ago, I was walking the streets of Albany one night almost sure I had cancer of the stomach or intestine's - about five words from Dr. McCallum dissipated that scare and I imagine would do the same to this one if the poor old boy were here. The news of him is bad - doubt if we ever see him again. 

Erie, Pa.,
Saturday, Dec. 16, 1939.
A day of many miscellaneous jobs wound up by a very hilarious session of bridge here in the evening with Ben and Tony.