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En route to Scranton.
Monday, Dec. 18, 1939.
Bab still under the weather but no signs of scarlet fever yet and Rog apparently 100% once more. So we breathe a sigh of relief and hope for the best.

St. L. seems to be cooperating well with me and I find the old boy pretty good to do business with. We had a session today to fix the price on our 50 caliber navy machine gun mount job and all went smoothly on that. I told them how to set the price but Walter Harris refused to agree so St. L. phoned Whitey in Sch'dy, and Whitey agreed with what I had done so Walter signed on the dotted line finally - thought the price was too low. It will have to be low to get this job, an open invitation with everybody and his brother bidding.

At [[underlined]] 5:10 PM [[/underlined]] I receive a wire from Walter Hedley to meet him in Berwick [[underlined]] tomorrow morning! [[/underlined]] I phoned him to try to postpone it until Wednesday and avoid that awful trip via Scranton but he had left. Talked to Jay who said Walter would be there two days anyhow - had a lot of work to do there - and he suggested I wait anyhow and wire Walter tomorrow I'd meet him Wednesday. Something told me to go and I went. Had to take the girls' X-mas money from Miss Giblin to make it. Thank heaven the Washington trip is called off until after New Year's so I can be back here Friday for the Griswold Club Dance. So here I am en route to Scranton on the NKP and facing a call at 3:30 AM.

Heard today Dwight Baum dropped dead on the street in New York last week - and he was only a bit over 50!