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Also found New York Central a mess with Banell writing letters again advising that unless I get an instruction sheet issued, they will install their pet throttle control scheme on N.Y.C. as well as Bent - were going to put it on Bent anyhow. I had to get Banell and Dick together and as they couldn't show me any good reason for not using Bill's scheme on both locos, we went in to Walter Harris, who, belligerent at first, finally agreed with me. So I talked to Jay about the patent situation and before the day was over we had the job steered back into the proper channels again, and Bill's scheme on both - moreover Bill's permission to use his scheme on both locos with no obligation and a tentative and reasonable basis for using it on further locomotives. It seems like every time I get out of town these birds, Banell particularly, start to go berserk!

Erie, Pa.,
Friday, Dec. 22, 1939.
Told Rudy confidentially this morning (he knows far more about WJH than I) about my Berwick experience and he told me that Walter is on the skids and in grave danger of losing his job - that Whitey knows all about him from Zimmer - that already a lot of his work is being taken away from him and transferred to us at Erie - that financially he is almost on the rocks (presumably because of extra curricular activities) and all in all he is in bad shape all the way around. Which all goes to prove you can't play a lousy game indefinitely and get away with it.
Whitey had "Open Office" this afternoon - 3 to 3:30 - fruit and candy and sociability, and Martha Nelson and June Robinson sang "Silent Night" very prettily - a nice little gathering - a nice touch.