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This evening we went to the Griswold Club X-mas dinner dance at Hunter's Lodge, going in Ogden's new Buick with them and the Reeds The party started off rather dull but as the evening wore on and Charlie and I got into four bottles of Old Shay ale, it livened up immensely and I was very loath to leave at 1 AM but had to because the Ogdens were pressing to go home (for which, at the time I roundly cursed them inwardly and even remonstrated somewhat jokingly outwardly). After dinner the Kearns, Gouldthorpes, Wilsons, Richards, etc arrived in a drove, having been obliged to go to a church party first "by der Fuehrer" (Aydelott) as Charlie put it. Having stopped at the Wilsons first, they were semi-high laready and the party speeded up a lot with this added hilarity. Sat next to Ernie Shank and Nora (Lenkner) - first time I'd seen her since they were married. Will never forget the couple of times Gordon MacDonald and I took her to the Sunset Club for lunch (& Old Fashions) back in depression days - what asses! Well, it was a swell party - I could have stayed all night!

Got to worrying about my throat the last few days - noticed that when I swallow, frequently something snaps around my Adam's Apple, that I can't remember before although perhaps always I've had it and never paid any attention. When this time of year comes around I have a tendency to start worrying about my health. Last year I was tortured by a pain in my stomach - surely an ulcer, maybe a cancer. Now it is my leg and my throat and probably 100% nothing and 100% psychological - am getting over the leg worry now.