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Erie, Pa.,
Saturday, Dec. 23, 1939.
Mother had a letter from Ned Van Wagener today out an out asking for money - Cousin Albie is a complete invalid now with terrible arthritis and diabetes besides, he hasn't worked for a year, and to read the letter you would think they were actually in want. Well, this upset Mother so she was not herself all day. I was afraid it might even upset X-mas completely for all of us it affected her so. I promised to handle it but even that didn't do much good. I cannot understand why Ted allows them to be in such shape - or perhaps Ned's mind is slightly touched. At all events, it is a pathetic situation and enough to disturb anyone.

I bought a Christmas tree this morning, and when I got it home, Willie simply turned it down cold - it was an emaciated looking thing but was the best I saw. So we went forth together this afternoon to try to do better, and after looking all over town, found a very nice one right up at 8th & Kahlewa at the Gulf Gas Station, which we purchased forthwith.

On the way home a New York car passed us hell bent on 6th St. and we saw him nearly crash a car ahead of us at Gridley Park - we both remarked about his recklessness on the icy pavement
When we reached the viaduct, here he was in a crash with another car - had hit it at high speed, skidded on the curve and smashed into another car coming the other way. The other car belonged to Merle Waid of Bldg. 10 whose wife, just recovering from an illness, was pretty badly banged up. We called the police