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As a matter of fact, I suspect the Captain of wanting to tip a few en route and St.L doesn't drink, so for that reason alone it might be good idea. Also, it is a splendid chance to get better acquainted with the Captain. 

At Whitey's request, I wrote a note to Clark asking him politely to please address commercial correspondence to us and not St.L.  Trust Clark takes it in the proper spirit - think he will - he seems like a good egg.

Regarding my talk in Sch'dy on Jan. 9th on "Diesel-electric locomotives" to the Sales Training boys, Stibbe writes Whitey questioning if I have sufficient backing to cover the industrial end of it! And then Whitey says cover also mining locos! So it grows and grows!

Rudy and I had a chat today re work:

a) Whitey had offered to take me off the gov't work if Rudy really needed me - had put me on it because I didn't have anything to do. Rudy did not accept the offer.

b.) Rudy cannot handle Alco alone as he now has most of Walter Hedley's work to do - wants me to handle design details with Alco. Sch'dy.

c.) We are to have one or two new men in our office soon - Rufus Duer and maybe Jake back again - will be new allocation of work.

All this set me to wondering, is the new reorganization coming soon and if so, will Whitey give me my new duties - is he getting new men in Rudy's section to pave the way? Or is he anxious for an opening to pull me off the gov't work now for some reason? I doubt