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Had dinner on the train and saw Bill Fraser, his wife and baby in the diner. I never would have known her, older looking, not neat at all, rather dumpy - it was rather a shock when recalling the lovely girl we met three years ago. We never saw anything of her after that night we took them to the 1936 Griswold Club X-mas dance at the Laurence (at Maurice's request) - she went very much Junior League, Behrend, etc. - the lady from Winnetka. Had a brief talk with them at the station at Erie - were returning from X-mas in Omaha. 

I rode the coaches back and was right in the midst of a bunch of U.S. Army recruits who rather disillusioned me about our young manhood. They were fairly behaved but their looks were not too good. A couple nearly got into a fight over a card game.

Erie, Pa.
Friday, Dec. 29, 1939.

Had a little informal session with St.Lawrence at 9 AM and at 11 AM we had a real session in the tank educational order invitation, Emmet and all. The session was significant if only because for the first time in my memory Emmet spoke to me by name. It was memorable as a session mainly because Emmet questioned seriously whether we should bid on this but rather hang all our hopes on the Navy Program. I personally feel we should bid but later Whitey told me Emmet was much disturbed because of the trouble they are having in Schenectady with Army and Navy work in the same shop on account of the intense feeling between the two, requiring that the Army work be kept from Navy eyes and and vice versa! That