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Marie phoned me to say she had done "a couple of things" and I might want to "murder" her.  1) Miss Waller Emmet's secretary, had discovered I had a lower for Scl'dy tonight, and having been unable to get one for H.L.R.E., asked Maire if she thought I would mind giving up mine; Marie told her "no" but would let her know if she learned otherwise. 2.) Sam Langley, having learned I was going to Sch'dy tonight, called & told Marie he had a "very small bag" to go over & would I take it; Marie said she allowed I would. The bag was small enough but I think it weighed about 30 lb. being solid with papers.

I didn't mind the bag episode particularly but the more I reflected the lower birth affair the hotter I got! My only consolation was the thought that undoubtedly Emmet himself knew nothing of it and the thing simply demonstrated the extremely poor taste of Miss Walker--somehow she just looks as though she would do something like that. As the thing turned out, I got a lower anyhow after I got on the train, and furthermore, St. L. offered to toss me for his when he found I had an upper (which I refused to do but I thought it very decent of him).

Emmet, St. Lawrence, Fay Catlin and I sat in the smoking compartment of our car all the way to Buffalo and I got a real eye opener on Emmet. I must say in all fairness to him, that I found him to be one of the most charming people to talk to and furthermore use of the most versatile and interesting talkers I have run into in a long time. At Buffalo, St. L. & HLRE retired and Fay & I slipped up into the station for a couple of weak scotches after which we retired also.

Transcription Notes:
reviewed and corrected typos - nwmath