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Washington, DC.
Wednesday, Jan. 3, 1940.

Had a very uncomfortable night last night which may have had something to do with what developed today. The car was frightfully hot as we lay in Buffalo and then I suspect it cooled off radically after we got going. Got another load of Emmet charm at breakfast and he has it allright. Had a chat with Clarence Bailey and Downing relative to next week's talk to the Sales Training boys and then met St. L. in Clark's office. Later we saw Thorpe and Vogel on the tank educational order - had a few words with Niven who sees much business ahead but has few words to express it in. At lunch St. L. Vogel & I were joined by Shreve as Vogel wanted to do a little preliminary "sales" work on the boss in connection with getting his agreement to our bidding on the tank educational order.  Shreve seemed receptive - is not in favor of expanding facilities to handle gov't work (in which he may be being led a trifle astray) - and he is much against our entering the "ordnance business" - was shocked at Aberdeen to be told by Army men how glad they were the GE Co was going into the Ordnance business (probably after St. L had been "shooting off his face" as Whitey says). At that time, St. L. told Mr. Shreve we weren't building guns, only "howitzers". I guess the old boy soon got wise to that one too. St. L. pulled it several times today. We had a very pleasant talk and as before I felt greatly drawn to this big, shaggy, handsome deep voiced man who is now my "big boss". He is my idea of a real man - has always appealed immediately to me.

Transcription Notes:
reviewed & resolved some [[?]] - nwmath mandc: replaced transcriber's no-space double dashes with "space, dash, space" between words, sentence structure as written.