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of it today, however. Braum asked Hicky, one of his subordinates, to show us the shop, and we had a very interesting tour of a number of buildings. Saw the 5"/38's, the 3" AA's, the powder hoists, etc. etc. I only kicked myself that I wasn't in shape to really appreciate it. For at best, I was only about one half present; the other half was worrying and concerned over my ailment. I couldn't talk [[strikethrough]] ed [[/strikethrough]] my mouth kept filling with saliva which usually I couldn't spit out immediately and I hated to swallow because it hurt so. I was pretty miserable all in all. Ordinarily the whole thing would have been fascinating to me. As it was, I was glad to get back to the hotel and lie down and get an hour's nap before dinner, which we had with Guy Sturges and Kraut out at Hogate's, a famed seafood place down on the river. Again I wished I might do justice to what was before me but I couldn't. A couple of Old Fashions gave me a little lift but it was very temporary. I beat it back to the hotel and went to bed about 8:30. Read for a while. St. L. and Guy dropped in about 9:30 to see how I was and shortly after that I went to sleep

This Carlton is an excellent hotel  - it has class and one knows it from the moment one walks in the front door. I imagine if one spent much time here, one would see plenty of the notables. Today St. L and I saw Senator Guffy in the lobby. It gives one so much more satisfaction than staying at a second rate dive like the Hamilton. I can't figure out White yet on that.