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Erie, Pa
Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1940
Had Ken Wolf out to dinner last night and the family all liked him particularly well. Had been smelling alcohol in the car all day and when I was going to take Ken home about 11 PM, discovered a cracked radiator hose. So Ken and I fooled around in the cold and the wind, tieing friction tape around it to tide it over until tomorrow. I was afraid the whole messy business wouldn't do me any good with my throat but apparently there were no ill effects as my throat seems almost well today.

Took the car to Ted Miller's first thing this morning & had two new hoses put on. Saw some new Fords in the showroom and got the itch for a new car but this year it is such a struggle to keep my head on an even financial keel that there's no use even thinking about a new car as I refuse to borrow money on insurance policies or anything else to buy one. The way I'm organized now, if I can keep my bank account even, I save about $1000 a year and I don't want to upset that. But right now it is difficult to keep the bank account even.

Met Willie and Mother at the station and saw them off for Syracuse - I do hope she enjoys it there. Met Walterwire, Col. Blackmore's man, in the station and turned him over to Maynard Allen. Saw Roy Goggin arrive about the same time. Wakeley was due about the same time but his train was late so that gave me a breathing spell. It was a hectic day. We had a long session with Wolf and Wakeley. In the midst of it, I got a wire from Downing in Sch'dy saying that the Sales Training Class is tomorrow - not Friday

Transcription Notes:
reviewed, made a few corrections - nwmath