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hour and I knew again how silly I can be sometimes. Spent a quiet evening at home resting up and got to bed early.

Erie, Pa.
Friday, Jan. 12, 1940.

Spent a large part of the day getting Johnson all cocked and primed to put the demonstration across. Rudy remarked that in spite of the big business the Company did in 1939, they got no bonus; this exploded another worry I had had because I got only the regular extra compensation, and no extra bonus. I had wondered if my not getting extra bonus meant my rating was slipping - now I find there was none! Again I saw the silliness of my worries. Rudy said Walter Hedley was at the Buffalo party last night and was the perfect gentleman, seemingly on the way to reform. In fact Rudy mentioned in a sort of "aside" that Walter acted just as well or better than "our own boss" so I judged Whitey was on one of his rampages as he does occasionally when he gets drinking plenty. I was awfully tired tonight although Delaney said he was through with me today, and I went to bed about 8 PM (unofficially) and officially about 9:30 PM.

Erie, Pa.
Saturday, Jan 13, 1940.
Woke up tired, sore and the glands in my neck swollen and sore - felt punk. But went about the days activities as usual and gradually I felt better so that when we had Barbara and Charlie in this evening, had a hilarious time including reminiscences of the famed 1934 Quebec trip. Discussed also the Lamborns' difficulties with Marion sick (pregnant) and Dick working himself purely on