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This guy St. Laurence is hard to keep up with. On the British tank part job, I discovered about 4 PM that after lunch he had marched into Gouldy's office with Hammond and Trumpfeller and proceeded to have a session on the gearbox and later wrote a letter to Sheahan. It looks like it may be too much of a job to put in Bldg. 6 at 40 per month, increasing the machine shop load beyond the point of adequate supervision. I noted from St. L's letter to Sheahan that Whitey is going to talk the job over with Sheahan in N.Y. today - so I felt like I was slipping a little and not "on top of" the job as Whitey inquired of me yesterday. It brings home to me that St. L. is a fast, agressive [[sic]] and very able worker and to keep up with him is going to call for all my reserves of speed, planning and ability or I'm going to flop in Whitey's eyes. If St. L. once gets the [[jump?]] on a job as he did on this because I was ill and couldn't go to New York last week, he jumps to the inside track fast and it is damned hard to nose him out. It is hard to do anyhow, all things even. I don't think St. L. means to take more unto himself than he should - he's just so agressive [[sic]] and resourceful that he naturally works that way and he presents a real challenge to me to keep up with him. We have a tank educational order session lined up tomorrow and this evening I [[propose?]] to get set for it as well as the next step in the British program. What I've got to do is think a few jumps ahead of St. L. and carry the game to him - and I can but it will take more application than I've been putting on it so far. I must make good on this job.