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himself frustrated, serving out his time to retirement. His great mistake was leaving the Company to go to the Lackawanna at a big salary but only a temporary job. His position in the Company has never been the same ^[[since returning]] In the station before leaving he introduced me to his son, a pale, sallow, rather weak faced looking fellow, maybe 30. On the train, he told me he has a younger boy in the insurance business in New York and a daughter in college. "The boy you met drives a taxi at the station- has for 8 years- the only work he has been able to get- makes about $9 a week- sometimes less- is discouraged- licked- all his ambition is gone." It was a terrific shock to me- another chapter in "Liney's" tragedy.

To bed in the Commodore about 12:30 AM.

En route New York to Boston
Wednesday . Jan.24'40
Breakfast with Frank Turner and Charlie Sibert, Charlie feeling pretty low having been initiated into the mysteries of the Village and Harlem by Frank the two preceding nights. Si told me a rather disturbing story of how Dike Harvey "insulted" Glenn Thompson of N.Y. Air, when I sent him to contact Dike before going out to Ford's. Dike is a queer individual- I marvel sometimes I got along with him so well.

Spent most of the morning with Jay Walker and down with Sheahan Wagner and Shelke on the foreign ordnance stuff. Appears a chance to get some anti-aircraft mounts for Brazilian destroyers. I said as little as possible about the British tank part job in view of the mixed