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up nature of it and everybody and his brother being mixed up in it. It was my first meeting with Magner and Schelke. Magner, I found a red faced, wild haired. blustery guy who I would guess is a very swell gent when you get to know him. My impression of Schelke wasn't quite as favorable - bites his nails to the quick, a bit too "hell and damn style" but possible quite a fine chap too.

Had lunch at the Commodore with "Commodore" Taft.  Collis Bowers was in Albany. Mrs. Bowers has been in the hospital but is home again. They found her fever was caused by a sinus infection which I guess they have under control. Collis has given up his office in the Chanin Bldg. & is at the Transit Commission all the time. I note the Major is gunning for the Commission so wonder if Collis will be out of a job one of these days. Don't imagine he'll have any trouble getting plenty to do even so. Enjoyed Taft immensely- there is one prince! He walked all the way over to the Engng. Societies Bldg. with me after lunch and left me there.

The AIEE session didn't bother me greatly except when McCure of WABCo. got up and cast some slight asparagus at our optimism regarding electric braking in railroad service. I had a good comeback for him all written up beforehand but got so fussed when I got on the rostrum, I couldn't locate it although it was right in front of me and had to extemporize. However Carl said I did a swell job and sounded like he meant it, so I felt OK about it all when the bell rang to end the session.

In a mood to really relax, I thoroughly enjoyed the evening. Jay Walker , Phil Hatch, Ed Kelly and I had a real old time celebration, starting