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Cleveland. O.
Saturday, Jan. 27'40.
  #21 was nearly a half hour late this morning which was a  break for me as she's usually on time. When I saw the snow piled eight feet high in spots. I wondered if we could actually make the trip to Cleveland today. But at 9:00 AM the Reeds and Scarboroughs drove up to the house in the Reeds Dodge and were were soon off for Cleveland and our triple anniversary celebration. All were well when I got home; I didn't see much of the children before we were off again. The roads were well cleared and it was a cinch. We had dinner at Crosby's a beautiful place way out on Carnegie and such food! It was so much fun to relax and enjoy the company of Willie and these good friends in an atmosphere of comfort and with nothing on one's mind. We went on down to the Statler and got our rooms- Maybelle, Walt, Willie and I in connecting rooms, Barbara and Charlie in the next one. We flipped coins to see who would get the odd room and Charlie lost. The ladies went "feeling" in the afternoon. Charlie and I did some shopping and then went to the Cleveland Stamp Club exhibition - it actually made me want to at least clean up the transfer of all my stamps to one book. Walt took a steaming hot shower and went to bed to try to throw off a cold.

  About 6 PM we all got together in our room and with a quart of Four Roses, and all necessary accessories, proceeded to make whoopee" as Barbara is wont to say. The Four Roses was quite effective and to show how effective; I actually told the story of the boy who estimated "they weighed about a pound and a half a piece" - that was some concession from me to the proprieties. We dressed for dinner and about

Transcription Notes:
corrected typos and inserted an omission.