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I have a genuine affection for that hard bitten old Scotchman. Mr. Wilson's speech was not as inspiring to me as the one I heard in June but it wasn't at all bad. He was to catch the 9:18 and didn't finish his talk until 9:10. Emmet kept trying to suggest he'd better stop or he'd miss the train & finally Wilson stopped, turned to HLR and said so all could hear, "What are you going to do? Throw me out of here?" He talked for ten minutes after that until I began to get nervous about him myself. It was a large evening - I enjoyed it immensely.

Erie, Pa.
Wednesday, Jan. 31, 1940.

  The main item of news today is that Felix Felix is to transfer to the Industrial Dept. at Sch'dy on April 1st. Apparently he was forced out of the Motor Division because of personal dislikes more than anything else, which I can understand but can see no earthly justification for allowing such dislikes to influence such a decision. I feel that Felix has made an ass of himself in personal affairs by his ridiculously snobby attitude, but as for his ability as an engineer, to me he is one of the best they have and I think it a great shame he is leaving. Of course, he wanted to get in our Dept. but it seems Whitey is down on him and said "no." I am inclined to feel myself, that he would not be so hot in our work just because he is a snob but as a designing engineer, he's hard to beat. Somebody must be nuts in my opinion, to let him go.

An evening at home here tonight is a luxury.