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Erie, Pa.,
Saturday, Feb. 3. '40.
This afternoon I took Bab, Rog and Elizabeth Cain over to Frontier Place to sled, toboggan and ski. To my consternation, Rog immediately undertook to go down the main part of the hill on skis and to my pleasure and amazement, he negotiated the whole passage almost at once, without a spill - proceeded to do the same thing twice more without a fall although he had a few tumbles interspersed with the successful descents. He seems to have no fear whatever about his skiing. Elizabeth had a tiny toboggan big enough for two, upon which Rog and I negotiated the hill several times and what fun! Most of the time, however, the old man stood at the top and watched the youngsters go up and down continuously - They never stopped for one minute for nearly two hours! Then I took them to Weaver's for refreshments and came home much refreshed myself. We stayed home this evening and had a great time - quite a relief although I hate somehow to see a Saturday evening approach without any plans for it - either going out or having people come in.

Erie, Pa.
Sunday. Feb. 4, 1940.
This rating sheet incident hasn't been off my mind for very long ever since it happened and like many things that appear disastrous at the time, it may well be a very fortunate thing because it wakes me up. Right now I need just such a poke to make me come to and appreciate that I can't go where I want to by drifting along, hoping blindly I'll make the landing I want. And in spite of all the mental gymnastics I go through thinking about this