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angle and Friday's affair, he was quite correct: I do worry and meditate and it was this which prompted my note to get the worry off my chest. He was extremely nice and I felt he has really taught me a good lesson - it takes something like this to drive home the point I have long been conscious of in a way I shall never forget. All in all, I feel the incident was beneficial although at the moment it may not have reacted in my favor - in fact probably hasn't. Someday, I think he and I may both look back at it and smile. And out of it I get increased respect for Whitney's ability to see clearly right to the fundamental of a problem.

I worked hard today to put my new game into practice. I resisted aggressively many inclinations to meditate somewhat ruefully over my conference with Whitney this morning. Each time I said to myself, "Smash it! This is the thing we've got to stamp out!" And I had a fair measure of success.

I got after my "Initiative" problem by writing Whitney a letter regarding my feeling a $25,000 44 ton diesel-electric had a definite place in the railroad picture as well as the $35000 unit and suggested this be carried in mind in formulating our 44 ton industrial locomotive design so it can easily be adapted to railroad applications.

I wrote Jay Waller a letter suggesting he get Bill Hamilton interested again in the DEs-3 conversion to 2-power as we are laying out a conversion for the Role Inland DEs-3. This has been dominant since last fall.

Got to work on framing an answer to the War Dept. to a proposal we commit ourselves to build gas-mechanical 30 ton locomotives in case of war.