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awful! So we left soon, glad to breathe some clean fresh air and I swore never to go ^[[to]] that place again! Maurice left us then and Frank, Ken and I went to the City Club where we stayed until midnight. Frank proved his boast he is an experienced drinker is no idle one. He kept up with us with no difficulty and talked with such authority on the subject we were duly impressed. He promised to make us some "ojen" cocktails sometime (pronounced "oh-hen"). Frank claims these are among the most potent and treacherous extant.

I gave my initiative a work out today on Bill, talking to him on 44 tonners showing him the B & M report, getting something started on magnetic track brakes for diesel-electric switchers, showing him the Rock Island DEs-3 conversion layout to straight diesel-electric and trying to interest him in reviving his DEs-3 conversion study.

Erie, Pa.,
thursday, Feb. 8, '40.

Had lunch with Perk at Lommers, today being "ox roast day", our favorite dish there. Talked about raises and what a hell of a job it is to live on our present salaries, Perk and I being in about the same boat that way. Apparently recommendations are going through now and Whitey will be in Schenectady next week to review them. I hope I'm on the list and get by although it is only 2 1/2 yrs. since my last and 3 years may be required now. However, the last time I talked to Cash Davis he said I might expect one last October. As there were none then to my knowledge, I may be in line all right. God knows I need one. My bank account is gradually slipping, slipping.